Guest Blogger: Red Glitter

30 Mar

I am always thankful for the wonderful readers from around the world, one such reader is @RedGlitterX, an incredibly kind young lady from Australia who wrote a post about the varying names for vegetables/fruits based on a post I had written for Air Eater. Even though English is a commonly spoken language around the world, the local names for items aren’t exactly the same.

Here’s a bit about Red Glitter in her own words: “With degree in theology and feminism, am also a Ordained Clergy Person, I have a strong social justice and civil rights ethic. The fight for animal rights is one of the more important, how we treat animals is a reflection on ourselves. Having blogged for a number of years, I split with my former partner who decided that vegetarianism was good enough, and so I decided to build a new team. Currently work for an animal rescue group. I believe the reason I was put on this planet is to fight for animals, planet and people.”  Please welcome Red Glitter!

As vegans we buy recipe books from all over the world, or read online recipes posted from anywhere. However some foods have very different names depending on where you are.

These might not be correct botanical names, but they are some alternative names.

1. Cantaloupe, muskmelon, rockmelon

2. Bell pepper, capsicum, red/green/yellow pepper, sweet pepper

3. Butternut pumpkin, butternut squash

4. Courgette, zucchini

5. Aubergine, eggplant

6. Baby onions, green onions, green shallots, scallions, shallots, spring onions

7. Snap peas, snow peas, mange tout

8. Biscuit, scone

9. Jam, jelly

10. Biscuit, cookie

11. Butter beans, lima beans

12. English spinach, spinach

13. Beet, beetroot, table beet, garden beet, red beet

14. Rutabaga, swede (from Swedish turnip), turnip, yellow turnip

15. Candy floss, cotton candy, fairy floss

Chips – hot chips, crisps, crisp chips, potato chips, french fries, french-fried potatoes, fries, home-style fries

One last thing, some people pronounce it ‘erbs – giving an herb; others pronounce it herb – giving a herb

redglitterx for
Vegan Animal Liberation Alliance
long time vegan, animal rights activist, farmer, food lover

One Response to “Guest Blogger: Red Glitter”

  1. An Unrefined Vegan March 30, 2012 at 12:02 pm #

    Very interesting/cool post!

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